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Is Low Frequency Intrusion a part of your life?
LowFrequencyIntrusion.com was created to address and counteract the all too common problem of Low Frequency Intrusion (LFI) and the psychological and physiological effects on the human body, mind and spirit. View the current LFI survey results to get an idea of what people are saying.
Common side effects of Low Frequency Intrusion include:
  • frustration

  • anxiety

  • aggravation
  • insomnia

  • migraines

  • sleep disruption
  • elevated blood pressure

  • increased heart rate

  • diminished concentration
Low Frequency Intrusion is best described as the involuntary exposure to loud low frequencies in people's personal environments. Evidence suggests that second-hand bass frequencies have a negative impact on peoples' mental and physical well-being. Consequently, LFI presents a more significant health concern than anyone realizes at this time.

The LFI survey gathers the voices of the American people in an effort to gain a realistic perspective on how Low Frequency Intrusions affect all of our lives. The LFI survey results will allow us to better understand the gravity of this disruptive social phenomenon on a local, regional and national level.
Is the quality of your life affected by Low Frequency?
Complete the survey and help reduce LFIs by sharing your input.